Rogers Cable Outages
This category was created to document the outages of my Rogers Cable connection.

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Friday, June 20, 2003

As I predicted in my earlier Rogers Cable Update the net has pretty much gone to crap. Net was down again from 5pm-6pm while I was trying to finish up some work for the day. I figured I might as well call Rogers and let them know and hope that others from the area have called in. Of course the first rep I got on the line was Daren (Rep #E206) and he was able to see my modem however I couldn't get on the net. He suggested I power cycle the modem but I had to get off the phone with him so I did it shortly after that. Of course the modem wouldn't get reconnected so I was hosed.

The second time I called back I got Raheem (Rep #E590) and of course as soon as we got through the introductory crap the modem came online. I told him about the intermittency but of course everything looked fine to him. I said I still couldn't reach anything on the net so we tried some things and in the course of trying the usual stuff he detected intermittent problems in the area. Finally a rep who seems to know what he was doing however it was mostly because he was patient enough to monitor things as we were fumbling around trying other stuff. Of course usually I try to get off the phone quicker as I know its a problem out on the street that they just can't detect. This time at least he was convinced it was a problem out on the street so raised a ticket to the network engineers (ticket num: WSR01143572). Now it is just a matter of time waiting for some bozo to go flip and switch and reset something. At least that is usually what happens.

6:56:16 PM    

Since the major problems in April and May, June has been relatively smooth sailing. I say relatively because for the most part the connection has been up with only small minute or two outages here and there. However I've noticed over the last couple of days that there have been more outages and for slightly longer periods of time. For example, yesterday June 19th, there were intermittent outages between 1:30pm-2:00pm, 9:45pm-10pm (almost completely out). Today there were outages between 6:30am-7:00am, 12:15pm-2:15pm (almost entirely down). Good thing it was solid from 10am-noon when I was in an online Webex meeting. And now it is intermittent again while I'm writing this around 2:45pm. This is no doubt a sign that I'll be having problems over the weekend.

There isn't much sense in calling Rogers about this as I won't be able to convince them to watch the line for a while as they don't understand what intermittent means and even if they do see something they'll just want to send someone to check the cable modem instead of checking the router where the problem is no doubt showing itself for something like the 20th time in the past year.

2:50:42 PM    

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Last update: 5/22/2004; 3:23:41 PM.
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