I had a lot of respect for Ray Ozzie until I read this article titled “Google Wave anti-web”
It seems that Ray has been drowned in the Microsoft Cool-Aid and has been assimilated by the MS Borg.
Ray Ozzie created Lotus Notes and Groove. Two very well respected and useful collaboration tools. However, a number of statements he makes in the article are just absurd.
First the anti-web statement. No idea where he is coming from here. There is nothing anti-web about Google Wave. They are using open standards, open source and I believe the whole damn thing works in a web browser. How is this anti web?
Second, he says “Ozzie said the open web relies on open data formats and protocols, not opaque packages and payloads being tunneled across the web”. Well, Wave is based around XMPP protocol which is an open web standard.
Third, I have no clue what he is trying to say here: “He did not explain exactly how he believed Wave to be complex. Instead he suggested that Wave would rely on open source – because without it, Google’s collaboration platform would be too complicated for those outside the company to implement.”
Fourth he says “”Google Wave and Mesh are basically the same thing”. That is another ridiculous statement. If you look at the Wave beta and the Mesh beta you won’t see much at all that is the same. All I see Mesh doing right now is syncing files. (perhaps the full release will do more). Not very exciting and hardly anything to do with real-time collaboration at all. Lets get real Ozzie.
So, to sum up, I’m with Brent on basically saying that Ray Ozzie is irrelevant. To quote Brent Ashley via IM message: “but yeah, I’m afraid Ray Ozzie is no longer relevant after that”.

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