Rogers Cable Outages
This category was created to document the outages of my Rogers Cable connection.

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Thursday, May 22, 2003

Called Rogers tech support at approx. 11:40am today after being down since 10:45. I had my connection monitor running so I can see exactly when it went down. A couple power cycles of the modem did nothing as per usual.

Spoke with the first level rep named Beven (could it have been Kevin?? - I pretty sure I heard Beven a few times). Rep #0751. After having me power cycle the modem even though I told him I did this twice just before calling, he then said, wait there is a major outage in your area so he will send a ticket off to Network Support (Ref #WSR01133625). I asked that it be made high priority considering this has been happening almost every other day for the last couple weeks and that I was down for about 2 weeks in April. He said because it is a major outage that it will automatically be higher priority. He also mentioned that there was no scheduled outage or work being done in the area. Although, I've heard that before a number of times and then I've found out later that there was work going on (probably unscheduled so probably fixing up some problems they don't want to admit to).

Update: As I was writing this post it seems the connection has come back up at about 12:05pm. This has been the quickest return of service in the last 2-3 months. Lets see how long it stays up. Stay tuned.

12:15:36 PM    

The Rogers Cable net connection in my area is completely and utterly horrible. At my last place it was actually not bad with only 1 or 2 outages in a year which were typically resolved quickly. Here, I have a couple outages a week and they usually aren't resolved very quickly.

So, I am now going to document my tech support calls to Rogers to show everyone who is considering Rogers how rediculous their service is. I've been meaning to do this on the last 10 or so calls but I thought, this has got to be the last time I have problems. Everytime I think that a few days later there is another outage. Well, I'm going to start with the call today and backfill when I get time. It will take a few hours easily to backfill the old calls so don't expect them anytime soon. This isn't really something I'm looking forward to doing. I've created a separate category for these posts but they will show up in my regular feed as well.

11:56:05 AM    

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Last update: 5/22/2004; 3:23:05 PM.
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