Rogers Cable Outages
This category was created to document the outages of my Rogers Cable connection.

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Monday, May 26, 2003

Well only 3 days since the minor outage and 4 days since the last outage but I knew we'd be back to being out soon enough.

Been out since 3:21pm today and counting. Called Rogers Tech Support and initialy Hulio (Rep #8770) said that there were 5 modems out in the area but then later said that only 2 were out. After I explained the outages that are now 2-3 days apart typically and that they never involve a modem issue but rather a noise issue in the head end he said the only thing he could do was send out a technician to check the modem.

I spoke to a supervisor named Kevin (Rep #8457) and he said he found 3 modems down on the street out of about 15-20. Thats 15-20% if you ask me so as far as I'm concerned that is a pretty large number. If you can believe that is it just 3 and not 5 or more since they never really seem to be able to tell properly anyway. Anyway, I gave him the same spiel about outages occuring regularly and frequently and it always being the head-end. He said since there weren't enough out even if he sent a ticket to the network group they would just come back and recommend sending a technician out to check the modem. Not that it is going to make a difference in the slightest but he said he would mark the issue as cronic and have a senior technician come out.

Update: At 4:21pm it seems the connection is back up. Curious that it was exactly an hour of outage. Once again, this is good time to be back up but being out for even an hour (hey 5 mins is bad enough) is a serious disruption in my day. I've pretty much lost that hour of work. Half of it just sitting on the phone with Rogers.

4:14:11 PM    

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Last update: 5/22/2004; 3:23:17 PM.
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