Rogers Cable Outages
This category was created to document the outages of my Rogers Cable connection.

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Monday, July 14, 2003

The technician did show up earlier (just getting around to posting this tonight).

Didn't really determine anything but checked things in detail. For some reason he didn't like the power adapter for the cable modem so he replaced it. Also he didn't like the way the grounding was done at the connection from the street to the outside of the house and fixed that.

However he wasn't too convince that either of these were really had anything to do with my overall problems and is pretty convinced its the equipment out on the street somewhere. He is supposed to have a maintenance tech give me his pager number so that I can have him look into the problem as it is happening. Not that they don't know where it is since they have fixed it maybe 20 times now this year alone. But anyway, we'll see if I actually get a phone call and the actual pager number. Might possibly finally getting somewhere but I'm not holding my breath.

10:41:44 PM    

Well it is well past the time a technician was supposed to show up. 2 hours past in fact.

I called Rogers to see whats up and spoke to Kurt (Rep #E871). He went away for a few minutes and looked into the issue and said that a technician was out on Sat. and fixed the problem out on the street somewhere and should have called to let me know. He might have been doing that but I bet I can piece together exactly what happened. As per my previous post, he called but I missed the phone. He was probably just calling to let me know the issue was resolved (just like the other 20 or so times!!). Then he most likely cancelled the service call (note, I DID NOT CANCEL IT). Then a Rogers person who follows up with the customer left me a voice message that the service call would have to be rescheduled since all they saw on it was that it was cancelled.

Anyway, Kurt said there was no technician booked for today or no indication that there was one booked. He said at first actually that there is no indication that I called on Sat. at all. Of course, I've heard all this before and explained to him that this is not new to me. I said, I've heard a number of times from reps over the phone that they don't have call information but were always emphatic that all call information is always logged. I figure they somehow loose 50% of their call information. Anyway, a few minutes later while talking Kurt said here it is. He was completely baffled that the call from Sat. had not shown up before. So who knows if he was looking at the wrong screen or whatever. I just have a feeling that the system there isn't working too well. He didn't bother saying whether he now saw that a technician was booked for today or not and I couldn't care at this time. So we just booked another technician for tonight (if he can make it he will call otherwise it is officially booked for Wed. from 11am-2pm).

What a sorry state of affairs this company is in.

4:33:00 PM    

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